212 +/- Acres Pott. Co. Iowa


TRACT #1: 143 +/- ACRES

Brief Legal: North of RR Sec 6 Lincoln Township

Cropland: 142.2 FSA Cropland Acres

CSR2:   73.5

Soils:  Exira, Marshall, Judson & Ackmore-Colo-Judson

Real Estate Taxes:  $4,712 per year (Estimated)

Improvements: None

TRACT #2: 69 +/- ACRES

Brief Legal: South of RR Section 6 Lincoln Township

Cropland: 62.77 FSA Cropland Acres

CSR2:   74.9

Soils:  Exira, Marshall, Judson & Ackmore-Colo-Judson

Real Estate Taxes:  $2,274 per year  (Estimated)

Improvements:  7,500 bu & 8,000 bu grain bins.

2,400 SF Metal Shed & 3,120 SF Wood Barn.


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